Transferring Existing Web Service to us

To aim a domain name held by someone else to your hosting with us, you will need to change the Name Servers with your existing domain service to Custom Name Servers.

Here are the instructions for Epik;

You’ll need to input our name servers but your hosting will need to be set up before we’ll know which of our name servers you will need. We’ll send you a message as soon as we know. Transferring a website’s files takes very little time but domain name servers take time to update. When someone types a web address into their browser, there are multiple servers who’s sole purpose is to route domain names to the IP address of the physical server the website files are hosted on. When name servers are updated, it takes 24-72 hours for the records to get updated on all the servers. That means the website will be unreachable at times. You may also see an odd placeholder page in it’s place as some of these domain servers place them there.